Italian astronomer and mathematician who was the first to use a telescope to study the stars; demonstrated that different weights descend at the same rate; perfected the refracting telescope that enabled him to make many discoveries (1564-1642)
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Vibration training machine.
Examples for "Galileo Galilei "
Examples for "Galileo Galilei "
1 News of Hans Lippershey's 1608 patent reached Galileo Galilei the following year.
2 Unfortunately, it came 189 years too late to do Galileo Galilei any good.
3 They produced a theory of impetus that influenced Galileo Galilei in the 17th century.
4 This was Galileo Galilei , one of the most extraordinary scientific observers of any age.
5 The ever-glorious name of Galileo Galilei crowns her immortality.
1 There's only one problem: Galileo won't be ready for another four years.
2 News of Hans Lippershey's 1608 patent reached Galileo Galilei the following year.
3 The Cardinal firmly and clearly showed Galileo the error of his way.
4 Glasgow's got a good chunk of that market but not for Galileo .
5 Just look how often they've been proven wrong - Galileo , Columbus, Scopes.
6 Andrea was concentrating on helping Galileo negotiate the stairs, and said nothing.
7 Ask most people who that scientist was, and they will name Galileo .
8 The three cadets looked up together at the gleaming Tower of Galileo .
9 WEATHER Eye today might be compared to Galileo 's concept of the universe.
10 Religion Galileo Galileo goes to Rome, to the lair of the Inquisition.
11 The second iguana also attacked, seizing Galileo 's forearm with its powerful teeth.
12 It burned Michael Servetus, and it strangled the scientific opinions of Galileo .
13 The name cycloid originates with Galileo , who studied the curve in detail.
14 Florence has built a kind of shrine for the telescope of Galileo .
15 But, like the Vatican in Galileo 's time, the scientific community is close-minded.
16 Ever since the incident with Galileo , things had been pleasant between them.
Other examples for "Galileo"
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